We Dodged a Bullet (knock on wood)

"The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears." ~John Vance Cheney

I thought this quote appropriate with all the flooding/avalanches going on in the area. As we've watched the news we've been relieved to know that all of this has skipped over Kitsap County. We feel for all of those who aren't so lucky. We weren't so lucky a little over a year ago when we had severe flooding here while we were soaking up the sun in Southern CA. So I guess, in a sense, we've missed it twice.

As I was thrilled about my superb find at Grocery Outlet (15 oz. cans of Del Monte pears only 25 cents!), I was even more amazed with the sight I beheld when I went outside. These pics were from the Kitsap Sun since I didn't have a camera handy. I don't think I've ever seen more deep and vivid colors before. AMAZING! Pictures never do justice though (click on the pictures to view larger)...

Here's a link to one of the more recent articles about the flooding going on here in the Northwest: http://www2.journalnow.com/content/2009/jan/09/northwest-paralyzed-by-avalanches-floods-slides/and a few pics:
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