Santa Visited Gardner Villa

With all the snowfall, things didn't go exactly as I had planned. I wanted to make goodie plates and deliver them around to some of my friends and neighbors on Christmas Eve (tradition). Since the roads wouldn't let me, I had to put it off and still haven't done it. Hey, Valentines Day is coming up... lol. Steve had to tie up some loose ends at work on Christmas Eve since he'd be taking the next week off, so the kids and I bundled up and walked clear to the end of our street through four feet of snow, uphill, both ways, where my van was parked and carefully drove into Silverdale where my brother lives to enjoy a wonderful salmon dinner that they cooked for us all. Too bad Steve had to miss out. I always love hanging out with my family. Duncan and Kaitlyn came too. Later after we returned home and after the boys were in bed, I had Sarah help me with some projects and then sent her to bed. Steve and I continued working on some projects and wrapping gifts. We made it to bed by 4:30am. I melted right into the mattress I was so tired!

Christmas morning came too soon. Sascha ran into our room after checking out what Santa had brought and let us know how excited he was that he got an electric guitar and Sarah an ipod! They were thrilled to the gills and later said that it was their best Christmas ever!
I always love seeing what Sarah and Sascha give to eachother. They usually dig through their room to find things. Sarah gave this gift to Sascha. It's leftover Halloween candy. You gotta give her points for putting it in a nice box with a layer of cotton batting:
Steve got a little too "wrap happy" and wrapped up the diaper cream I had just bought for Apollo. As you can see, Apollo was happy because that means "all better":

...another happy face:

We fulfilled Sarah's desire for striped, fingerless gloves:
...and a SKATEBOARD! Her's was stolen last summer:
One of my projects was that of making Apollo some laminated pictures of all his aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. Most of them live in Utah so we don't get to see them as often as we'd like.

If you can believe it, the only thing I was hoping for and DIDN'T expect AT ALL was Photoshop Elements. Steve surprised me and oh boy was I surprised!!! Especially since we'd said we weren't getting each other gifts. THANKS Honeybob! I LOVE YOU!
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