New Years Eve PAR-TAY!

We were very honored to FINALLY step foot into Duncan and Kaitlyn's abode. What better time than a New Years Eve bash? They have a beautifully decorated place which overlooks the Sinclair inlet and shipyard. I must say that being at their place inspired me to start de-hoarding (which I've been meaning to do). My kitchen got the kibosh yesterday. Thanks guys!!! Other rooms are to follow...
We played some games of Scene It on the X-Box and the boys enjoyed playing their crash, bump and burn games while listening to Christmas Music in the background. I sense an oxymoron...
We also played Sequence (new game we got for Christmas), which I love!
I'm quoting Kaitlyn from her blog since I don't remember the names of some of the foods (click here if you'd like to see more New Years pics from their blog ) "We had some delicious food for New Years! Diana brought Pinwheels, David and Geeta made Sushi and Duncan and I made the Tempura (although he had to fry 'em and supervise them the whole evening---thank you m'guy) and some yummy Thai Coconut Rice with Mangoes and we bought some Karioka (Phillipino Donut made with Rice Flour)."
If you notice Sarah's missing, it's because she got whisked away to Snohomish the day before to spend a couple of days with her good friend Sidney who just moved there.
Here's our little tornado who had a BLAST being at "Du'kin and Kaylin's" house and did very well staying up until about 11-ish and then we decided to put him down in his porta crib. He didn't complain either.Kaitlyn was showing Teesha the movie closet when she noticed I was going to snap a pic and had to do a gorgeous pose...
They have a special wall in their dining room designated for all the nieces and nephews artwork... What a fab idea!

A wonderful customized clock. Steve and I are eight o' clock:

I love you Deeb! They were DELICIOUS!!!
So I'm a little messy when I eat... Is it a crime?
Kaitlyn rings in the New Year with bubbles:This is how Steve does it:
...and Christian, Duncan and Teesha:...and David:
...and Me:
...and Teesha can't stop ringing in the New Year:
...nosiree bob! This girl is an Energizer bunny:
Happy New Year Geeta!By the way, I got to take some leftovers home and this is my dinner from the following night. Thanks again Deeb! And I had some today for lunch since I'm the only one in my household who likes these....
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