Wasabi Anyone?

As you may have heard already, in our family it's tradition that whoever's birthday it is gets to pick anything they want for dessert and I make it for them. So recently we had a birthday dinner for Lindsay, who turned 15 and Jayce, who turned 10. Lindsay knew right away that she wanted a strawberry dessert ice cream cake with real strawberries on top. Easy:Jayce, on the other hand, had to think about it for a while and then later on came up with the fact that he LOVES cinnamon rolls. Ok. Then LaRee (their Mom) had a great idea that I surprise him and make him a sushi cake since he LOVES sushi. So I searched around on the web getting ideas and this is what I came up with:
I frosted twinkies and then dipped them into coconut and shoved little gummy candies in the middle, followed by orange sprinkles as the caviar. I also used Little Debbie swiss rolls and wrapped them in fruit by the foot (I had to paint these with food coloring since they didn't sell the color I needed) and shoved candies in again. I also cut little powdered donuts in half and wrapped fruit by the foot around it with a Swedish fish inside. The wasabi is tinted frosting and the ginger doesn't look that great, but is mango flavored fruit roll ups.

Kaitlyn was a little nervous because Jayce ate all the sushi!

But do not fear, there's enough for everyone!

3 Responses
  1. mkfordham Says:

    Incredible!! You're awesome, Diana!!! What a great idea! I'm going to post the pic of the Mickey Mouse cake on my blog sometime today or tomorrow, depending on how fast I can get grocery shopping, errands, dinner cooked, and chasing children done today :)

  2. 5 ibarras Says:

    Diana, you are seriously one of THE MOST creative people i know! That was too cool! i'll have to keep it in mind if i ever need a sushi/wasabi dessert :)

  3. Emilee Says:

    Fabulous, Fabulous!! You are amazing!