Anniversary Continued...

For the continuation of our 12th anniversary I booked us a room on Priceline at the Sheraton of Bellevue. Kaitlyn and Duncan were kind enought to hold down the fort and the kiddles while we were gone.

After we took the ferry over to Seattle we decided to have dinner at the famous Ivar's restaurant which is right on the Seattle waterfront. Here's a picture of it:This is one of the views you get from the restaurant:
After dinner we headed on over to our hotel. They have all newly remodeled rooms which were super nice. And the bed was amazingly comfy! They even had flat panel TV's.

Steve had to test out the bed soon after he first walked in. I didn't want to disturb him so here he is kickin' back in the room:

Later, after we got settled in we decided to head out for some dessert. After driving around and not finding anything that sounded good we opted for QFC. We ended up getting some coconut pineapple Haagan Daaz ice cream. YUM-EE! I've been in the mood for anything tropical lately since we've been having such cold weather. And it's June!!!! Hello??? This has been quite the unusual year for weather.

After checking out the next day we went to the SuperMall in Auburn and found some smashing deals. We got Sascha a new Sunday outfit for his upcoming baptism: apple green linen shirt, cream colored linen pants, new socks and Sunday shoes at Children's Place all for $16.00! I am the Bargain Betty! And a few other things, including some "coconut" lotion at Bath and Bodyworks. Smell's soooo good! Later on our way home we stopped in Tacoma to gas up (Costco, where else?). It was $4.11 a gallon. Cheaper than the $4.26 in Renton. Then we ate dinner at TGIF. It was quite a nice relaxing weekend. Next time I think we'll spend two nights rather than one.
1 Response
  1. Chalonn Says:

    So glad you enjoyed your anniversary...sounds like fun..yes, go for 2 days next time round!