Halloween Continued...

Fall colors are amazing! Including my Japanese maple:

Sarah was Thalia from the book series, "Percy Jackson and the Olympians:"

Sascha was a... well, you figure it out:

Apollo was a penguin from Happy Feet:

Apollo definitely got his share of candy. We go trick-or-treating around our own neighborhood (instead of trunk-or-treating) because the kids really enjoy it. Sarah and Sascha went with a big group of their friends while Apollo and I stuck together. It was so cute to see him walk up to each door perfectly versed in what he needed to say to get his candy as soon as the door opened. Several times he would try to open the door himself if they didn't open it soon enough. He would also dig his paws right into the bowl. He had a one-track mind. He insisted on carrying his own big bag of candy even though I offered to help. I also brought the stroller but he insisted upon walking most of the way. By the way, that mini can of Pepsi was actually something one of the houses was handing out. They've done it every year since we've been here. I'm sure Daddy will end up drinking it.
The following Monday when I asked Apollo if he'd like to go on a stroller ride, he made sure to say, "let's get my green bag (Frankenstein trick or treat bag), and say trick-or-treat!" He was sorely disappointed when we didn't do just that.

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