Mini Vacation

A couple of weekends ago Steve had to do work down in Olympia at the Washington State Capitol. His work agreed to pay for a hotel, so he thought, "why not bring the fam?" We drove down in separate cars since Steve would have to work the whole time (Fri., Sat., Sun.) and we wanted to have our freedom. I booked an amazing deal for two nights at the Red Lion which wasn't too far from the capitol. It was a pretty nice hotel too. We barely got to see Steve since he would get home late at night and we'd get up and leave before he would need to get up for his VERY LONG day.
We enjoyed some glow golf at Shank's: We went to the capitol mall to eat lunch and do some shopping and we found some great parks for the kids to play, walk and hike at. Here's Tumwater Falls Park (thanks to Cami's directions). There were trails that ran along each side of the river, which we walked down and then back up: We even found an amazing park below the capitol (Capitol Lake Park)where some festivities were going on: This park has a nice long trail that goes right along the waterfront and zig-zags up to the capitol. Here's Sarah sitting on the edge front. She was obsessed with getting the sliver out of her hand: The boys were obsessed with wearing the mesh bag that attaches to the stroller, on their heads:And right across from the Capitol Lake Park was a fun fountain park for the kids to play in: On the ride home, we stopped at Neverland Park at Point Defiance in Tacoma and were disappointed that they've removed all the fun little houses that they used to have along the trail. At least they still had the old woman's shoe: We had an amazing time and would definitely jump at the chance to do it again.
1 Response
  1. Kaitlyn Says:

    It looks like you had so much fun! We'll all have to go visit Olympia sometime.