Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday started out eventful for me. I woke up around 3am and was having a hard time getting full breaths of air (I started feeling sick on Friday with scratchiness in the back of my throat along with a headache, fever, chills, etc...). I had Steve wake up and comfort me and try to decide what we should do. After relaxing more I was able to breath better and wait until daylight to go to Prompt Care. Luckily Teesha slept over the night before and was able to be with the kids.

While we were in the waiting area I watched people as they would walk in and I thought how miserable it would be to have everyone's sicknesses all at once. Then I remembered that our Savior did just that. He took upon himself everyone's sicknesses and sins. It was such a strong reminder for me and on such a perfect day to remember, Easter. I felt so much gratitude for my Savior in that moment.
I ended up having chest x-rays taken and found out that I have a bronchial infection that could have turned into pneumonia. I'm so glad I went in sooner than later. I was already feeling like schklaboogie. I got some antibiotics and went home.

I had already invited the Fyffe's and the Holcomb's over for Easter dinner and I didn't want to cancel just because of me, so we still went ahead with it. I just let everyone else take over while I sat in the living room with my blanket, water bottle and box of tissues. Everyone took great care in pulling everything together with getting dinner ready and helping out with Apollo. Sidney H. had a mini lesson planned about the Savior and showed a little movie that went along with it. David brought over a unique item that I would like to post a picture of as soon as he sends me one. They're called Poop's. They look and taste just like Peep's but they're brown and chocolately. They were a big hit! He also put together a mini easter egg hunt for the younger kids. They enjoyed themselves and ended up with easter eggs filled with coins, candy and toys.

I was bummed that I missed church especially since it was the Easter program put together by Cami Segeberg. She always does a fantastic job. I'm sure next year I'll be in a better situation 8-)
1 Response
  1. WOW!!!! I'm so sorry that you were sick... i didn't even know. :( I'm glad you had people to help you out. Hope you're feeling better! And the Easter program just wasn't the same without you :(.