Spring Has Sprung!

In case you can't tell from my new blog header, Spring has sprung! I'm in heaven with seeing all the blossoms and flowers and foliage.
This is my favorite season (along with Summer and Fall...lol) here in the Northwest for the sheer fact that after a long, gray winter my days are now being painted full of color and sunshine.
No complaints here.
This is actually very unusual that we've sprung so early. Must be El Niño (a climate pattern that occurs across the tropical Pacific Ocean on average every five years, but over a period which varies from three to seven years, and is therefore, widely and significantly, known as "quasi-periodic).

So along with the photos that are in my new header for March, I took all of these pictures in my yard today (minus the one of Apollo and his chalk & unless otherwise specified).

Special surprise for me today. My camelia is in bloom!!! These have always reminded me of painting the roses red in Alice in Wonderland.

Camelia close-up:

Not sure what this is called, but they're beautiful:

Our native fern. Green year-round, but thought it was pretty:

Grape hyacinth from a Gnomes viewpoint:

Sarah's favorite flower when she was a wee young lassie. These things pop up year round unfortunately. At least they're a nice cheery color:

Yay! My rhododendron! One of my favorites:

Cute Apollo standing in front of our big azaela bush we transplanted a few years ago. It's doing quite nicely don't you think? This particular pic was taken with my cell phone. I ended up texting it to some of my peeps:

That same azaela bush up close:

I wish I knew the name of this, but I don't. It's highly fragrant though and in a good way:

These are not in our yard, but a few houses down. Popcorn popping!

Our tulips are on their way. Don't mind the weeds. Somehow I missed these when I weeded a couple of weeks ago:

These daffodils aren't ours, but pretty darn close to our property line:

1 Response
  1. Kaitlyn Says:

    Beautiful Pictures!