First Race Ever!

I've been training to run a 5k for the past eight weeks.
I'm a total beginner at this.
The key word here is "baby steps."
I've been able to run two miles on the treadmill so far.
Since Whaling Days was last weekend,
I thought I'd take advantage of their 1-miler 
before jumping right into a 5k.
Mind you, I'm very slow!
But for me, I did very well.
I cut about 1.5 minutes off my time.

My girlfriend Monica had her camera in tow so she took a pic of me with her hubby and girls.
I loved the fact that the number they gave me was the exact time I was born: 7:09.

Not the most graceful picture of me, but thought it was cool that Monica got a pic of my time
right as I crossed the finish line. Cute Ashlyn was right behind me. She was my little running buddy.
2 Responses
  1. Kaitlyn Says:

    Congrats!!! You must be so excited!!! You look FABULOUS!!!

  2. 5 ibarras Says:

    you are awesome! great job!