Fyffe Guests Day 4

Yes! It was yet ANOTHER gorgeous day for our guests. This is a pic of Brownsville Marina (the view we get to drive by as we go in and out of town (You know what I'm talkin' about Kristi and Andrea, who also enjoy the same view)). No complaints here.

We were on our way into Silverdale for a girls only lunch at the Olive Garden. It was Geeta, Kaitlyn, Denise and I. Denise brought her camera, but unfortunately forgot to use it. So the pictures we have here are ones that Danny just happen to take on our way over.

Again, I have the BEST family! Ungle Deeb and Ungle Danny were so nice to take Apollo, Sascha and Dennis to Lion's park in Poulsbo while the girls were stuffing their faces...

Later on (sorry, no pics), we enjoyed a big family get-together here at Gardner Villa and had a baked potato bar and watched slide shows. We ran out of time, otherwise we would have played some games too. Our guests went home with David and Geeta and slept over there for one night.
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